Cyprus Stamps Issues FREE Collector's Crib Sheet.
A Free complete list (1880 to 2014) of Cyprus stamps issues and first day covers since Queen Victoria in 1880 to present date.
Emailed to you upon request.
The list includes Cyprus Stamps and *First Day Covers (*since 1965) issued from 1880 to present date** and will be updated as new issues are introduced. Below is a screen shot of the workbook taken from the 1980's tab location. It's an excellent tool as a quick cross check of your collection and to make a note of the stamps you are missing. It does not contain any prices. The only prices we provide are those against each listed stock item in our website.
If you would like to have your FREE copy of the whole workbook emailed to you in Excel format, please request it via the information provided in our Contact Us web page.
Please note: the list mainly covers the Republic of Cyprus issues. North Cyprus stamp issues are partially complete.
We use Stanley Gibbons numbering system and you will find that almost all of the Cyprus stamps listings on the website and our eBay listings are displayed as "Cyprus Stamps SG" followed by Gibbons number and the year.
**The 2014 Cyprus, Gibraltar, Malta Stanley Gibbons catalogue was published in January 2015 (4th Edition) which this time features our own advert for
The latest catalogue (5th Edition) was published in 2019 and our excel list is updated as far as possible.

Which Stamp Catalogue? / Ποιος κατάλογος κυπριακών γραμματοσήμων;
This is a question we come across quite often when collectors of Cyprus stamps contact us for our free crib sheet (an excel list of all stamps issued since 1880 up to the most current catalogue issue). Our recommendations are here below:
For stamp listings displayed on Cyprus Stamps website we use Stanley Gibbons catalogue numbers (SG reference). This is a UK published catalogue which is issued approximately every 2 years around the month of November. The last edition published was in 2011 and as in the previous issues it contains Cyprus, Malta and Gibraltar stamp listings.
Tip: We find this catalogue is usually a little cheaper to purchase on eBay and depending how you are looking to value or complete your collection you may find it's not always necessary to have the most up to date catalogue. You should find that older versions can be purchased at very reasonable prices.
In Cyprus, you should be able to purchase the Hermes St. Frangoudis (a Greek published catalogue) who also have their own numbering/catalogue reference system for stamp issues and we're not familiar with any other stamp dealers who use these numbers. However, it does also list the prices for First Day Covers (FDCs) and provides good images of every stamp issue, which the other catalogues do not.
Tip: If you are a collector of Cyprus FDCs as well as stamps we would suggest this is a handy book to have simply as a reference guide.
The most commonly used catalogue reference systems used on the internet and stamp auctions are: Stanley Gibbons, Scott (USA catalogue) and Michel (German).
Cyprus stamp issues calendar
Keep up to date with the news of forthcoming issues with our Cyprus Stamp Calendar (the link is located at the bottom of every page on the website, in the website menu at the top of the page and also the hamburger menu if using a mobile device). Details of each new issue will be updated just as soon as we receive them.
Preliminary Issues information is provided on the calendar along with any updates or changes as and when we receive them.
Individual calendar entries are provided on the main calendar page based on the preliminary information provided by Cyprus Republic and north Cyprus postal authorities. If the issuing dates change or if an issue is cancelled, we will update the entries accordingly. Once the issue date has passed, the calendar entry will disappear from view.